The night that changed Everything…
Knock, Knock…!!!
Knock, Knock…!!!
Our fear was increasing rigorously with every knock on the door.
None of us dared to look around or even move. Amidst dead silence, our expressions were screaming very loudly. The darkness of the room was just not sufficient to hide the agony, the suffering, and the helplessness of any of the individual. Every eye was teary and every heartbeat was audible… Our souls were shivering in a way we never imagined them to be…No one did(No one should).
And… every other thing was meant to be a prayer…a prayer to God, a prayer to any of the existing power to let the moment pass soon… We shut our eyes and so our hopes and just stayed…
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Everything was going well, at least it was supposed to be.
Everyone was pretending to be happy in a very unhealthy and uncomfortable silence…We all were ignoring the signs of fate; the signs of nature(Sixth sense, they say)…
Somewhere, something was not right… we ignored it as a bad intuition …
Who had known, that intuition will turn itself as the worst reality of our lives…
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We ordered pizza. (I think pizza is a little overrated. Like, how can you define your state of mind with a piece of bread!)
We witnessed a very unusual way of having a meal that day.
It was a quarter to 11. Bags were packed and so were hearts.
Someone was supposed to leave within less than 10 hours. Emotions were flowing left unexpressed.
The lighting of the room, the energy of the surroundings or even the moon was a little unusual that day. Maybe the whole world wanted us to realize the fact that WE SHOULD TALK; But what… and why… and more importantly how?
We were never taught to talk. We were never taught to express what we feel. We were taught to express what is right, And this moment was just not right.
Amidst all of the unusual things, something very usual happened.
It had become part of our routine by then that we didn’t realize that “not all usual things are genuine.”
And then… the night of fear has taken it’s place in our soul for EVER.
That night had happened and gone long back. As a matter of routine, most of us don’t even remember it as an event… But it just stayed here…
Good or bad we can’t say… But “That night has changed everything…”